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  • Writer's pictureDarren

The Interns are here!

It was a blast to spend the first 10 days of our interns' summer with them in Waxhaw, NC. After some orientation and training, they have been working hard to create a new website where all our users can go to get support and help using Paratext. I am excited to show it to you in a future newsletter this fall! They can proudly go back to school this fall, knowing the work they did this summer will have a lasting impact on Bible Translation!

Daniel will graduate in December, and so far this summer has learned he really likes working with data and creating algorithms. We have an old support site and he has been writing code to load all the quality articles and support information while leaving behind information that is no longer helpful. Danny graduated in May and will start working toward his Doctorate this fall, as he hopes to be a college professor one day. He has been working on the security of the website- making sure it runs well on a server and can easily and quickly be fixed if there is ever a problem.

Ling started full-time with our Paratext team, and will be working from North Carolina for the summer, as it was easiest to train Daniel, Danny and Ling together in one location.

On my last day in North Carolina, we had the privilege of helping at a Bible Proofing Party being held on the JAARS campus. When a Bible is physically printed, there are some languages that have unique challenges, especially languages with diacritics. Our job was to scan the New Testament to see lines where words ran into each other (picture below). This is just one of the many steps involved in the translation process. It was so neat to be a part of this process and we're thankful the Cubeo people of Colombia will have a revised New Testament coming their way soon!

While eating lunch on campus, my manager Glenn and I, spotted Nard Pugyao, whose testimony was extremely impactful for our family as we joined Wycliffe. Nard came to faith because decades ago, a Bible Translator came to his village and translated the Bible into his language. Nard is now a retired JAARS/Wycliffe helicopter pilot. If you want to be encouraged today, take some time to watch this video of Nard's testimony If you have kids and need a summer activity, here is a lesson for kids based on Nard's life.

Prayer Points

  • Praise God for a safe and successful trip to North Carolina and for the new staff/ interns that have joined our team! Praise God for sustaining Christina and the kids while I was away.

  • Praise God for another answered prayer as we asked you to pray for opportunities for Christina to use her background in Public Relations to share about Bible Translation and to help at local events. Christina will be serving with JAARS at the end of July for EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh, WI! She is beyond excited and can't wait to share how God has brought this full circle, in a future newsletter. Any aviation buffs planning to attend AirVenture, be sure to send Christina a message and stop by the JAARS exhibit to say hello!

  • Pray for our interns and new staff- for them to gain valuable work experience, for their walks with the Lord to be strengthened, and for them to have overall enjoyment and fellowship while living at the JAARS campus.

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