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VBS and AirVenture- an Update from Christina

Eighteen years ago I interned in the Press Department of the Experimental Aircraft Association and while working at Airventure (the world's largest Aviation gathering), I met a Christian man who introduced me to a missionary aviation ministry (JAARS). He encouraged me to visit the JAARS campus in North Carolina and pray about serving with them. As a senior in college I visited the JAARS campus, but at that time, was too nervous to raise my own support to go into the world of missions. The following summer this same man connected me to Steve Saint (son of missionary Nate Saint who, alongside Jim Elliot and 3 others, was killed in Ecuador in the late ’50s) to help promote his new film, End of the Spear, at AirVenture 2005. Check out the trailer and plan a movie night if you haven't seen it yet!

I loved the atmosphere, people, and camaraderie of AirVenture, so have always wanted to be back in the AirVenture community. Fast forward to 2019, we've finally joined Wycliffe Bible Translators after God's leading to missions and we’re assigned to the JAARS campus in North Carolina. The same place I visited back in 2005 when the timing just wasn't right. As you all know with Covid changes, we ended up staying in WI and working remotely. Well, each year a team from JAARS travels to Oshkosh, WI to be a part of AirVenture. Thanks to my background in PR and ties to JAARS, my mom living only 10 minutes away, and our family serving remotely from WI- I had the privilege of joining the JAARS team at AirVenture 2022!

JAARS is a partner organization to Wycliffe Bible Translators. They help to make Bible translation possible in the most remote areas of the world- through aviation, land, and maritime transportation, as well as through technology, media, and training solutions.

With over 650,000 attendees from around the world, I had the BEST week making new connections and talking Jesus, missions, and Bible translation with hundreds of people.


It’s summer and Vacation Bible School is in the air! Here in small town Marshfield- 75 kiddos (ages 3-12) spent a week learning and growing in their faith through our church’s VBS. I had the privilege of leading the mission’s portion each night so students learned all about Bible translation and the need for everyone to have God’s Word in their own language! It was a blast sharing stories of missionaries and lives transformed by God’s Word, sharing on behalf of those still waiting for Bibles in their language, and challenging the next generation to get involved. These kiddos blew us away when they raised over $785 for Bible translation!


July was a busy, but life-giving month! It was a true JOY and honor to have so many opportunities to share about Bible translation and encourage the next generation to be a part of what God is doing around the world. Oh, and Darren and I celebrated 16 years of marriage! Thankful for this man I get to call my husband. :)

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